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Mobility of Skills Between India-Europe
Province House, Utrecht
Wednesday, 19th December 2018
International Development Studies, Department of Mr. Ram Lakhina, President Emeritus FCCI, Mr. Jasbir Singh, President FCCI and FIDE, Mr. Jan Zuidema, Head of Invest Utrecht, Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, The India Foundation (IF), Dr. Ajay Bailey, Assistant Professor Transnational Mobilities, Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University and Ms. Sanchi Tibrewala, Trustee FCCI
Mr. Jan Zuidema, Head of Invest Utrecht, Mr. Jasbir Singh, President FCCI and FIDE, H.E. Mr. Pim van der Berg, Vice-Governor, Province of Utrecht and Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, The India Foundation (IF), And Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, The India Foundation (IF)
Opening words by Mr. Jasbir Singh, President, FCCI and FIDE
Mobility of Skills Between India-Europe, Province House, Utrecht, 19th December 2018
Address by the Chief Guest, H.E. Mr. Pim van der Berg, Vice-Governor, Province of Utrecht
Address by Dr. Luther M. Rangreji, Counsellor (Legal), Embassy of India
Theme presentation “Mobility of skills between India - Europe , Role of Indian diaspora” by Mr. Ram Lakhina, President Emeritus FCCI
Mobility of skills - Why Utrecht Province?” by Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, FCCI Trustee, President - The India Foundation (IF), Utrecht
Mobility of skills - Why Utrecht Province?” by Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, FCCI Trustee, President - The India Foundation (IF), Utrecht
Creating functional prototype of the circular skills ecosystem in Utrecht through , Indo-Dutch collaboration” by Dr. Ajay Bailey, Assistant Professor Transnational Mobilities,International Development Studies, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University
Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, The India Foundation (IF) with Mr. Manohar Gangesh, Chargé d'affaires Embassy of India
Panel Discussion with Ms. Usha Doekhi, Chairperson Hindustani Council & Member Indian Diaspora Council
Bollywood Classic, A fusion of Bollywood moves and Indian folk dance by 'Naach2bollywood' Beats
Urban Bollywood, A combination of Bollywood and street style dancing by Delftse Dance Crew
Mr. Dinesh Gurnani, Mr. Satish Sewraj, Hindi Teacher (IF), Ms. Sadhana Sewraj Mishra and Mr. R.D.D. Gurnani, President, The India Foundation (IF)
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